Main Recommendation
"The [members of the panel] recommend bringing 'greater coherence and synergy' to the ICT activities currently undertaken by individual organizations of the UN system, including the World Bank [italics from Th.Ruddy], and by the European Union, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and numerous other multilateral and bi-lateral organizations.'"
"The United Nations should work with financial institutions and creditor governments to have one per cent of the debt of each developing country written off, if the equivalent amount is applied to ICT development." -- more imaginative than G-8 [comment by Th.Ruddy]
"In a similar manner, countries should receive international financing for ICT on the basis of national progress in carbon-fixation (anti-greenhouse effect) activities." -- paying for computers with trees [comment by Th.Ruddy]
The meeting of the high-level group followed up on three previous regional events:
October 1999 | Africa | Development Forum 1999: The challenge to Africa of globalization and the information age |
June 2000 | Brazil | Latin American and Caribbean Seminar on Information Technology and Development |
June 2000 | New Delhi, India | Regional Round Table on Information Technology and Development for the Asia and Pacific Region |
Go back to the meetings overview
Updated 09.08.00