"The one characteristic that sets humankind off from the lower animals is not his/her speech, but rather his/her ability to use fire." Dusan O.Gruden, V.P., Porsche AG
"...hopefully to use such combustion appropriately." Thomas Ruddy
"Sustainable development is ultimately an ethical issue." Ortwin Renn, Center for Technology Assessment
1979. Translated and edited Brief Descriptions of Nongovernmental Institutions in the Federal Republic of Germany Co-operating with Developing Countries in Science and Technology. Tuebingen: Institute for Scientific Cooperation.
1988. Translated and edited German Automotive Research Series: Engines. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers.
1989. Various book reviews. In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Pergamon Press.
1991. Hydropower Technology Applied in Canada as a Source of Hydrogen. In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.16, pp.579-580; Pergamon Press.
1991. Euro-options: A review of some current efforts to encourage European
sustainable transport. In: Environment Strategy Europe,
p.127-130; London.
1991. Eastern Germany's Power Market, Parts I and II. A Special Study from Independent Energy magazine.
1993. Germany's Power Market. In: Independent Energy, p.54-59.
1994. Die Leistungen der Citizens Power & Light Corp. In: Proceedings Contracting Seminar. Graefeling: Resch Verlag.
1994. Power Markets: Germany, The Competitive Edge. In:Independent Energy, p.26-32.
1994. Partnering in the German Market. In: Power-Gen Europe '94 Proceedings, pp.280-306. Pennwell Conferences.
1994. Forecast of German electricity demand 1995-2005 for Hagler Bailly Consulting, Arlington VA.
1994. Nestlé interview. In: Transforming the Global Corporation, The Economist Intelligence Unit and Gemini Consulting, London.
1994. Edited and translated German study on sustainable development for Dr. Ortwin Renn
at the Center for Technology Assessment
in Stuttgart, Germany
1994. Environmental Journalists Form International Group. In: Concordare, No.7,
newsletter of the IENN International Environmental Negotiation Network, Program on
Negotiation, Harvard Law School, Cambridge MA.
1995. The Reluctant Privatization of Deutsche Telekom. In: Infrastructure
Finance, 6, pp.20-23; New York, NY.
1995. Einfuehrung in das Internet, Teil 1-III. In: CADS EDV, Heft 4-6, FED, Berlin.
1996. Umwelt- und Sozialstandards auf Internationalen Maerkten. In: Oeko-Invest 103, S.10-11.
1996. International NGOs Infiltrated: GONGOS and PONGOS, Environmental News Service, October 9.
1996. World Conservation Congress Warns of Growing Menace, Environmental News Service, October 21.
1998. Internetadressen Globalisierung. In: Politische Oekologie Literatur-Special.
1998. Konferenzbericht: Greening the Financial Sector. In: Oeko-Invest 21.12.98.
1999. Online Newsletter of the ASIS Climate Change Action Group.
1999. Co-Financing Global Environmental and Social Standards: Trends in Climate Policy and International Cooperation, manuscript 100 pages (Executive Summary).
2000. Resource Intensity and Dematerialization Potential of Information Society Technologies, with Lorenz Hilty and Daniel Schulthess, 7 p. Discussion Paper, Series A, No. 2000-01, available for CHF 20 from mailto:ccc@fhso.ch.
2000. Towards a Sustainable Information Society, coauthored with Lorenz M. Hilty. In: Informatik. Informatique 4 (2000).
2001. A European Perspective on the Global Digital Divide, in Proceedings. 15th
Environmental Informatics Symposium, ETH Zurich, Metropolis, Marburg.
2001. Optimization Strategies for Transportation Systems Using Mobile Telecommunications,
with André J. Rogger, Frank A. Hartmann, Rainer Zah and Lorenz M. Hilty, accepted for
publication in Proceedings. 15th Environmental Informatics Symposium, ETH Zurich,
Metropolis, Marburg.
2001. Global Civil Society Yearbook 2002. contribution. London School of Economics and Political Science.