Alliance for a Sustainable Information Society,, Vol.1 (1999)
Contents of back issues:
Issue # 1 - EU Ministers Cap; G7 Wants Standards |
Issue # 2 - WTO Proposes WEO; Tech.Prep in Bonn |
Issue # 3 - EU Ministers Cap Flexmechs |
Issue # 4 - London Conference; GHG Reporting |
Issue # 5 - WTO vs. UNEP; EU Study; Ukraine |
Issue # 6 - Technology Special; Anti-CC ICT |
Issue # 7 - SD Assessment; OECD Guidelines |
Issue # 8 - Stuttgart conference; telework credit |
Issue # 9 - Global Public Goods; heat/ power CHP |
Issue #10 - New Power Labels; Sensing Fires |
Issue #11 - Hamburg conference; Gulf Stream |
Issue #12 - Kassel, Laxenburg, energy scenarios |
Issue #13 - Potsdam, WEC database, U.S., COP5 |
Issue #14 - Earth Observ., IPCC TAR, WTO T&E |
Issue #15 - Seattle WTO/UNEP, sky, e-commerce |
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We at the ASIS project bring you, our readers in academia, NGOs and companies, updates every 3-4 weeks on the "flexibility" or Kyoto mechanisms. We think that information and communication technology (ICT) can help provide answers to the challenge posed by climate change. We hope to hear from you as well on action that your organization is taking.
Thomas Ruddy,, editor and chairperson, Climate Change Action Group,
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This newsletter is supported by the European Commission, DG XIII, ASIS (Alliance for a Sustainable Information Society) at Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing (FAW),, Helmholtzstr. 16, D-89081 Ulm, Germany, project manager: Dr. Thomas Schauer (tschauer@faw.uni-ulm).
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