Issue No.5
We at the ASIS project have developed ideas for COP5 in Bonn, which begin with the thesis
that computer networks, along with lower transport costs, are helping make possible the
current "globalization" of the economy. This issue of the newsletter therefore
brings you coverage of developments at the citadel of globalization, the World Trade
Organization WTO. That first thesis along with 12 more are outlined at
There will be a face-to-face meeting of persons interested in discussing these theses
during the conference from 27-28th July 1999 in Stuttgart described in greater detail
below. Please express your interest to the editor.
Quote of the week: "The WTO remains a lightning rod for environmental complaints,
...because of the Organization's capacity to impose sanctions that hit countries in their
pocketbooks", [UN] Development Update (cited below).
At a pivotal high-level symposium on trade and the environment sponsored by the WTO and
held in March in Geneva" (see ONLINE NEWSLETTER, No.2), WTO
Director-General Renato Ruggiero spoke in the presence of UNEP Executive Director Klaus
Toepfer of the possibility of setting up a "World Environment Organization to
complement the WTO". The WTO and UNEP have announced that they will provide details
on this development in a memo of understanding before the Seattle ministerial meeting of
the WTO in November (see ONLINE NEWSLETTER, No.3). The United
Nations' publication _Development Update_ #27 foresees that "the United States, Japan
and the European Union in particular are pushing for a new 'Millennium Round' of trade
talks, as follow-up to the Uruguay Round that was concluded in 1994."
"The most sensitive issues that stand in the way of a new round of [trade]
liberalization involve environmental and labour standards and investment" (
NGOs in the North fear that standards are going down, and their pleas often result in
attempts to get trade sanctions put into place, as evidenced in the quote above. Meanwhile
the South fears that for protectionist reasons standards are going up, and "the Group
of 77 developing countries and China [have] listed opposition to the linkage of trade
issues with environmental and social standards at the top of their development-related
objectives in an April 1999 communique," reports _Development Update_ #28 in its
current issue
_Development Update_ then goes on to describe how UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan
described at the World Economic Forum in Davos how to avoid sanctions through his
"cooperative-rather-than-retaliatory" proposal of "how to avoid harmful
[trade] liberalization fallout... This agenda [was] under discussion at an
UNCTAD-initiated meeting of trade and environmental policy-makers from 20 developing
countries in Geneva in June, kicking off an 18-month project."
At the same time, the United Nations' plans to intensify cooperation with the private
sector have been under harsh criticism for months now because of UNDP's proposed Global
Sustainable Development Facility, including information and communication technology from
AT&T, Oracle, Ericsson and Telia,
Outgoing UNDP administrator James Gustave Speth gave his rebuttal,
As for the above-mentioned "sensitive issue investment", Reuters on July 8th
reported that the European Union is "calling for negotiations in the WTO on a
multilateral framework of rules on international investment. Attempts to negotiate an
investment treaty [MAI] in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development have
broken down, and the United States has dismissed the idea of trying to reach an ambitious
investment treaty in the WTO" (
The EU's idea is now likely to be less "ambitious" than the MAI was.
Criticism is laid out by a left-leaning think tank in the Netherlands called CEO,
After a year of interdisciplinary assessments, the experts at the European Union's Joint
Research Centre working on the "Futures 2010" project in Seville have just
released the final project reports. One of the project's panels, that on Natural Resources
and the Environment, has discovered in its Futures Report No.5 that the "seeds"
of Mr. Ruggiero's ideas (to set up a WEO; see Story A above) are "already
encapsulated in the Kyoto Protocol. The panel says that the protocol "proposes a
number of entirely novel policy instruments to reduce the cost burden of reducing
greenhouse gas emissions: [IET, JI and the CDM]." These mechanisms will eventually
require monitoring and verification, for which "one option that will shortly have to
be considered is a global environmental agency."
The NR&E Panel is struck by the rapidity of climate change: "The planet has
certainly experienced climate change in the past..., but never at the rate that seems
likely to pertain in the case of man-made greenhouse effects." The panel's report
goes on to explain in its 118 pages how "it is hard to see how clusters of energy
technologies could by themselves make a major impact on the global CO2 problem
unaccompanied by major policy initiatives". Neither a nuclear breakthrough nor clean
coal would really matter, "given the slow pace of the electricity demand growth in
the OECD-EU", so that the overall effect of the enhanced development of technologies
would be quite modest" there. Instead, major and wide-reaching behavioural changes
will be required, which can only be achieved through restrictive measures such as taxes.
If Europe takes a lead role, though, in meeting its targets through more than 50% domestic
emission reductions, its most heavily taxed sectors will suffer from the resulting loss of
competitiveness (as it would not be allowed to resort to protection through border tax
adjustments because of the trade regime), and not much would be achieved for the
environment either. The reason is that no trading bloc can successfully combat climate
change by itself. Instead, broad international action engaging the USA, China and India is
In conclusion, the panel judges that "the greatest challenge in the short run is get
the USA to ratify [the Kyoto] targets. Given the existing trends in energy demand in
America, its Kyoto commitment is [almost] double that of the EU's. Consequently the USA
has taken the line that ... its targets... must be achieved with minimal costs, that is,
largely through international cooperation and trade. If the EU continues to fight against
that philosophy and goes it alone in meeting its commitment mainly through domestic
measures, it will be looked upon as an act of great courage by some, and of immense
economic folly by others" (published on; at
the top of the left page there is a line that says Final Report with a box beside it that
you need to click on to open the report in Adobe
Acrobat Reader's pdf format).
The report also includes an assessment by Nick Sonntag, Executive Director of the
Stockholm Environment Institute, of the likelihood of a flip in the Gulf Stream Current
during the next 30 years and its consequences. Stefan Rahmstorf is also an expert on this
topic, and will be speaking about it at the Stuttgart conference, about which we will
report in the next issue
At the June conference at RIIA in London, speakers from both the U.S. and Mexican
governments praised a new approach to encouraging developing country participation
proposed by the World Resources Institute and described at
Russia and the Ukraine, as potential sellers, would at first appear to be more likely to
oppose the WRI approach than Mexico. This issue of the newsletter, though, features an
exclusive favourable comment on the WRI proposal by reader Vladimir Demkine, PhD, who was
Secretary of the Ministerial Task Force on UN FCCC implementation in Ukraine in 1998 ( Reader Kevin Baumert,
co-author of the WRI paper (, wishes to emphasise, though, that "the
'carbon intensity' approach advocated in the WRI paper is for developing countries",
not Annex I countries like Russia and the Ukraine. However, the experiences of
economies-in-transition like the Ukraine constitute very useful cases to learn from when
thinking about developing country participation and avoiding future 'hot air.'"
In Kyoto in 1997 the final decision was negotiated during the last night, and the result
has to be regarded as a set of compromises. Everybody understood that this option could
hardly be considered a reliable way of meeting commitments. But as 'hot-air' is a rather
political issue, it will probably be solved with political instruments in the near future.
In principle, I feel the Ukraine should not object to use of the indicator carbon
intensity instead of annual carbon emissions, if certain conditions come about in our
country, which I describe below.
The Ukraine's carbon intensity has worsened for at least two reasons: Firstly, GDP has
really declined since the disintegration of the Former Soviet Union, but energy
consumption has not fallen as rapidly. Secondly, a significant share of the Ukrainian
economy works in the informal sector. As the World Bank estimates, some 50% of GDP is
produced beyond official controls. Although it mainly relates to low energy consuming
sectors, this factor must obviously distort the carbon intensity that is calculated on the
basis of the official statistics.
However, by the beginning of the first budget period under the Protocol many economic
imperfections will be eliminated (the share of high energy consuming sectors shall
decrease because of market forces, energy saving technologies shall be partially
introduced in the public sector and, after all, the share of the informal sector should
decline). If such a scenario takes place, carbon intensity should improve. Thus there is
no reason for the Ukraine to have fears of the approach proposed in the article.
The Climate Change Action Group is continuing its debate on how to harness the powers of
computer networks and globalization to counteract the twin challenges of world poverty and
climate degradation. See the theses outlined at